Witness the extraordinary journey of SheBuildsLives Foundation unfold in "Empowering Change: The SheBuildsLives Journey" documentary. This captivating film takes you on a remarkable 10 year exploration to Educate, Empower, and Elevate the lives of children in low-income communities across Nigeria.
Join us for an unforgettable evening as SheBuildsLives celebrates a decade of providing quality education access and resources to children in low income communities across Nigeria.
With $100, keep a child from a low-income community in school for a year. Your donation will break the cycle of poverty and open up opportunities for them to realize their full potential.
Your $500 donation can provide six years of basic education to a student in need. Invest in education, empower individuals, and contribute to a better future for all.
With a $1,000 donation, help set up a small-scale business for youths and foster economic growth. Your contribution will equip young entrepreneurs with the tools they need to succeed.
Help build a primary healthcare center with a $2,500 donation, improving access to critical medical care. Your support will have a ripple effect on the community's overall well-being.
A $5,000 donation can construct a new learning center and provide access to quality education for generations. Your contribution will make a tangible impact on countless lives and help create a brighter future for all.